What is Rested XP in Multiversus?

Multiversus players can find the Rested XP gauge at the bottom right corner of the Battle Pass menu.

This gauge simply increases the amount of XP you earn while playing normal matches. If the gauge is full, then all your XP will be doubled, but if it’s empty, then you get no bonus.

You may also notice that once you leave your game and go back the next day, the gauge will be full once again. But the more you play, it begins to decrease until it becomes completely empty.

This means two things for you:

Rested XP gauge encourages players to play every day in short sessions. Rested XP gauge discourages players to play long sessions.

With all this in mind the best way to utilize the Rested XP gauge would be the following steps:

Complete your daily missions (6 per day). Complete your seasonal milestones. Play 1v1 matches.

All these are quick and easy, and grant a lot of XP. If you’re just playing for XP gains, you may want to stop playing once the meter runs out and come back the next day. But really, what’s the fun in that?

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