As per Phyna, her dad has not had it simple attempting to deal with the family and he got one of his legs broken in a mishap when he was working. She said that her dad is an emergency vehicle driver and once the vehicle tire turned sour on the interstate.

It was the point at which he attempted to fix it out and about that a van hit his leg from the side and got it broken. From that point forward a pole must be fixed inside the leg to help it.

She said, “My Dad was driving a rescue vehicle one morning and the tire spoilt out and about. He left by the side of the road and dropped a sign with the goal that different vehicles will be careful.

“A van went past this sign and incidentally brushed past him as he was fixing his vehicle, that was the way his leg got broken. We needed to fix a pole in his leg to help his development. Presently I won the show, I will utilize part of my cash to change the pole at a decent emergency clinic since it is expected for change”.

— Bayo Amosun (@Bayongo) September 29, 2022