Fallout 4

This is going to happen; I’m just hoping that they give us fans a lot of info on this long waited sequel. If you haven’t had the opportunity to tryout the Fallout series yet, go out and do so!

Dishonored 2

One of my favorite stealth games of all time, Dishonored left me satisfied too much. The ending was great; I don’t think that a sequel is needed. But, I want one. It doesn’t even have to involve the same characters, just please give me another Dishonored-type game. 

The Return of Silent Hill

With a lot of rumors speculating that Microsoft may purchase the series, I hope that Silent Hills will make a fantastic return. I just hope that if it ever does return, it takes its inspiration from the original games in the series and not the latter.

Borderlands 3

Who wouldn’t want to have the opportunity to shoot and loot again! The series has always been a great one, and a fourth installment (even though it would be number 3 due to Borderlands the Pre-Sequel) is just what we need. I would also like to have another villain similar to Handsome Jack, one of the best villains in video games.

Resident Evil 7

With the fifth and sixth installments struggling, I feel that Resident Evil 7 is necessary. I want to see the series as a whole make a comeback to being the top of the line horror games we knew the series to be! I love the Revelations series, and I love the remakes, but I want to get back into the heart of this terrorizing franchise.

Star Fox Wii U

This is going to happen, but I want more details from Nintendo. I want gameplay, demonstrations, a brand new trailer, etc. I would especially love an official release date so I have another great excuse to go back and play Star Fox 64 again (although I don’t really need an excuse).  

Bioshock 4

This series has it all. It has horror, shooters, powers, challenging enemies, and of course wonderful stories. Out of all the games I’ve listed, I think I want this one the most. If you have the opportunity to play Bioshock Infinite, I highly recommend you do so.

Do you have a game that you’re hoping will be announced at this year’s E3? Please feel free to comment and let me know! 

My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 55My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 82My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 43My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 65My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 81My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 26My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 86My Hopes for this Year s E3   Fallout 4 - 46